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webinar series

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay - Is your organisation ready?

AI is affecting all major industries, so how do you prepare for the future of artificial intelligence? Our series of webinars have provided insights to more than 500 Danish stakeholders on how to apply AI, transform data into business assets and the holy do’s and dont’s of AI. Read more for a snapshot of the main messages from the webinars.

Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of every industry and potentially soon every human being. As artificial intelligence acts as the main driver of evolving technologies like big data, it is creating a paradigm shift in every sector of the tech industry – and won’t cede the spotlight anytime soon.
With the aim of contributing to the readiness of the Danish ecosystem for the future of artificial intelligence and supporting SME growth, Innovation Centre Denmark in Silicon Valley has been engaging with some of the leading experts in the area, who has provided valuable insights. This has been done in collaboration with the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences through a series of four webinars focusing on key topics:

  • Ethical AI
  • Transforming your Data to a Business Asset
  • Implementing AI in your organization
  • AI dos and don’ts

AI Update from Silicon Valley

One of the most important aspects from the webinars was how to implement AI and how to ensure that it´s done ethically correct. On the webinar “AI and the ethical Challenges” researcher and practitioner Frank Rudzicz, talked about how organizations succeed in balancing data and artificial intelligence with the ethical issues that may arise. Rudzic emphasized that the new role AI plays in healthcare is becoming more and more meaningful in the future:

“There is more and more work in healthcare around the world trying to get people to do “care at home”, so if we can discharge people from hospitals early and monitor their progress, without having to come to the hospital, we will save a lot of time and money. This is the kind of future of AI that I think many people would like to see,” he says.

Shomit Ghose, a long time Silicon Valley entrepreneur continued along the same lines, advising that “the predictive power and scalability of non-contact AI yields the broadest human impact, and perhaps merits healthcare’s greatest focus; it may yield our greatest payoff as technologists and entrepreneurs.”

Shomit has a number of successful start-ups under his belt and has witnessed how innovators in the US are able to leverage technology to quickly scale new and transformative solutions. However, he has at the same time warned that the large tech giants have a tremendous advantage in the way that they use and leverage data to find new and innovative ways of providing solutions. According to him, having data as a central component in the business model is what sets the tech giants apart and it is what will enable them to make headwinds into unknown territory in the future.

quote ikon

Building machine learning models is only one part of becoming an AI-driven organization. You need to create a business strategy, recruit talent, redesign your organization, build data processing infrastructure and change your engineering processes.

Kevin Dewalt, founder PROLEGO

Rolling up the AI sleeves

The webinar series also recognized that many companies are still in the early phases of implementing AI. Companies exploring opportunities on how to implement AI to grow and develop their business received useful advice from Kevin Dewalt, founder of PROLEGO and Anupam Kundo, co-founder of RealValue, who talked about the application of AI. The conversation between them touched upon topics such as strategy tactics organizational ownership and other key components of AI implementation that can make or break the success.

Did you miss the webinars and would like to see them on your own time?

Head over to ATVs homepage where all the webinars are available for viewing and in many cases, you can also download presentations.

Are you curious to know more about AI or other new technologies being developed and applied in Silicon Valley? Let us know, if we can help you.

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